If you believe you have an urgent court case during COVID-19, first consult with a family law attorney. Regular court operations have been suspended since late March, though urgent matters will be heard by teleconference. But what exactly is considered an urgent court case during COVID-19? For the next two weeks, we answer this question with recent case examples. This week, we highlight examples of recent family law cases that have been deemed urgent in the Provincial Court of British Columbia.
A good family lawyer helps you navigate through good times and bad. Even in the best of times, co-parenting can be challenging. With the added uncertainty of COVID-19, coupled with some recent updates to federal and provincial child benefits, there may be some confusion. Today on the blog, we dive into what these benefits are and what changes to them mean for you.
For most couples, signing a prenup isn’t exactly romantic. No couple in love likes to think about whether or not the relationship will stand the test of time. However, the marriage statistics are 50-50, and it’s good to be prepared for a worst case scenario. In the long run, it may save you time and money in extra legal fees.
Want to plan a holiday with your children and unsure how to navigate the complications around COVID-19? This post is for you. Typically, custody arrangements for summer vacation are typically outlined in a separation agreement. However, COVID-19 has raised confusion and uncertainty as to how summer parenting plans should or shouldn’t play out. This week, we discuss how to navigate disruptions to parenting plans while keeping the best interest of your child(ren) in mind.